Apply for PostHog's startup program

How to apply:

  1. Sign up for PostHog Cloud
  2. Visit the billing page and upgrade to the Paid plan
  3. Complete the application below

Here's what you'll get...

  • $50k in PostHog credit
  • $25k in DigitalOcean credit
  • A whole year of PostHog
  • Free PostHog merch
  • Exclusive newsletters
  • Referral bonuses

How Bugprove uses influencer marketing to grow word of mouth

Each month, we speak to a team enrolled in PostHog for Startups about the way they work and the challenges they face. This month we spoke to Bugprove about their approach to developer and influencer…

Read the full story

Finish your application

Remember to complete the steps listed above!

How much in total funding have you raised (USD)

Tip: Use to advance through options